* $4.45 a gallon is ludicrous, and there isn’t any reason for gas to cost this much or for oil prices to be so high. A bubble is coming; supply and demand is as scientific a law as physics. If there’s an inconsistency, then obviously there are artificial influences. Geopolitical concerns, inflation of the dollar, and any other excuse do not explain how prices continue to go up when consumption has eased and irreversible consumption habit changes are being made to permanently curb demand, little by little.
* How the hell were the Lakers favored in the NBA finals!?! I mean, after game 2, I’m convinced that we really could take the Celtics if our team actually showed up, ran an offense, and remembered how to play defense and box out, but c’mon, Boston won 66 games this year. Did ESPN want to set up a Lakers-favored final so they could bash on us for losing on the road?
* Any asshole who does not support the subway to the sea, or any other proliferation of Mass Transit in Los Angeles, for that matter, should be taken out back and beaten by the masses that they are so selfishly stalling from improving their productivity and quality of life.
* California is in a serious budget crisis…..why haven’t we added a penny across the state to sales tax yet? That way, the throngs of tourists that come here every summer can help support the cause! And why are gasoline tax revenues being used for anything other than transportation? You don’t plug a leak by fixing it with another section of the leaky object; that does nothing!
* Salmonella: Not California’s fault!
* I had repeatedly bashed on Guitar Hero for being detrimental to the learning of instruments and to genuine musical talent and creativity, but after playing it for the first time over the weekend, I see the value it can add in helping to improve hand-eye coordination, and can definitely sympathize with the game’s addictive nature. Now, if only I can get good enough to beat “Black Magic Woman” on hard……