Wednesday, September 03, 2008

Wait, where'd August Go!?!

Uh, time flies when you're having fun? Yeah, that's what I'm going with. Not that I'm sure that anyone reads this (I hardly do, so I can't blame anyone) but let me appologize for being a horrible ammature blogger and letting the entire month of August elapse without so much as a peep from this page. I have, though, begun watching television's greatest show, and have an example of how to conduct a blog. How great is Californication, by the way? I never really liked David Duchoveny, but I do now; Hank's the man!

And now that it's September, I've got a few things stored up to talk about and some material to share, so perhaps I'll actually be able to pay a little more attention here and not be such a terrible blog host.

Now back to your regularly scheduled internet surfing in search of additional methods of procrastination.

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