Tuesday, April 26, 2011

A Test of Greater LA Mass Transit

The latest string of posts related to my upcoming bachelor party in Las Vegas has been a little Christopher-centric and a bit self-serving.  If you've ever had a face-to-face conversation with me, you know that I'm reaching my limit of personal sharing, so I'll direct the conversation the way I usually do: analytical.  That way, perhaps some information of value to someone else spews out onto the page!

So I leave from Bob Hope Airport at 10:55am on Thursday morning in order to ensure that I arrive in Vegas as soon as it's acceptable to drink (12:01pm).  I'll be gone for five days, so I'd really prefer not to spend $40 on parking my car just 7 miles from my own garage.  I've heard that in most big cities, people use....get this....public transit to get to and from the airport! (no way!)  Time to put LA to the test!

A quick review of the Metrolink website and the Glendale Beeline website, and I've got a gameplan situated.  Did you know there's a Union Station to Bob Hope Airport Metrolink line?  I didn't either.  LA is horrible at marketing its mass transit, in part because it is so fragmented.  Anyway, if I walk out my front door and 3 blocks west to Brand, I should supposedly be able to catch the Beeline at 9:30, be at the Glendale Transit Center at 9:51, on the Metrolink at 10:00, and at Bob Hope Airport at 10:11, ready to walk into the terminal and board.  If this works, it will be the first time I've been able to identify mass transit as a convenient transportation alternative around town.  Heck, the travel times aren't even a deterrant in this case!

P.S. - Upon return from Vegas, I'm going to be adventuring/exploring LA via mass transit and reporting back.  Traffic in LA is a bear, and traveling by trains is fun and efficient, so stay tuned to hear about how you might be able to take advantage of LA's evolving transit system as well!

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