Thursday, August 16, 2012

Spinning the News

We all know that Faux News (I'm sorry, Fox News) is expert at winding up the political dreidel to attack, derride, and degrade those who do not share their views.  Funny, I thought that the news was simply supposed to contain a factual digest of current events; you know, the who, what, when, where, why, and sentence.  Unfortunately, journalistic embellishment through adjectives constantly skews the what, and the why and sentence of the news is rarely more than an opinion column.

And not to defend Fox news at all, but there are many outlets that wind the dreidel in the opposite direction and spin it just as aggressively.  Check out this photo of Arizona Governor Jan Brewer.  Now, I don't agree with many of her positions, but I'm willing to hear them and give them a fair review.  And if it was my job to report the facts, I would most certainly do so with every effort made at standing the dreidel on its point.  And if I was a news photographer snapping hundreds of shots at a press conference, I certainly would choose a different shot than this if I was attempting to remain objective...

Apparently media objectivity is an impracticable concept, save in the press box at a sporting event, where cheering is still symbolically not allowed.

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