Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Blogging on an iPad

My fiancé got an iPad for work, and of course I had to take it for a spin. While it's essentially an oversized iPod touch, it's pretty damn sweet! I'm definitely a fan of the tablet format; seems like the next most logical progression for a mass platform for personal electronics. It's difficult to criticize Apple while using their product, but the major flaw with the iPad (other than the fact that it can't multitask) is the age-old issue of the closed platform. As sweet as this iPad as, I'm looking forward to playing with the HP and Blackberry tablets that are due out soon, and will probably get one of those.

But I'm going to have to familiarize myself with all of the new technology quick...I've got a Droid X coming on Friday! That's right; you'll be hearing from me a lot more out there on the interwebs, so get used to my ramblings!

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