Tuesday, July 29, 2008


Wahoo!!! It's been awhile since we've registered a noteworthy earthquake in So-Cal, and today we most definitely got one! Right around 11:45am, a 5.8 magnitude temblor struck in Chino Hills, 29 miles east-southeast of downtown LA.

Of course, I didn't really feel the quake, or at least didn't know what it was. I happened to be walking on the sidewalk after grabbing a drink at the Mobil gas station at the corner of Calabasas Rd. and Parkway Calabasas, cruising by the newsstands when they started shaking. As I looked up, a large tractor with an overhead shovel-scoop was scooting down the other side of the road. I was impressed with the effect that tractor had on the newsstands....until I got back into the office to everyone clammored around the TV to check the news.

Now, this 5.8 fun treat was nothing even close to the Northridge Earthquake in 1994, but it's been about that long since anything over 5.5 has been felit in LA, so naturally I got a little excited. That's right, true native Southern Californians actually get excited for earthquakes. Why? Because what are you going to do about them? You can't evacuate in advance like during a hurricane or tornado, or fire, and there really isn't anything that rushing around in a panic is going to accomplish, so why not enjoy the crazed natural occurance as it happens, right? I mean, obviously, finding a doorway to get underneath isn't a bad idea, but 'surfing' the ground over to the doorway definitely lightens the mood a bit!

Best part of this earthquake (which will get it off of headlines by the end of the day tomorrow) is that there is no reported damage from it. So, I hope everyone enjoyed the free E-Ticket today and remember, the fun only ends when buildings start looking like this one......

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